In the News Archives

National Fuel Cell Research Center Presents Vision for the Future of Energy at Hydrogen Summit

Professor Scott Samuelsen, Director of the NFCRC, presented at the California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) Summit as part of the Executive Panel earlier this fall. The Summit brought together leaders in the hydrogen community from industry and government over the course of two days to discuss issues related to the commercialization of fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen fueling stations, and the use of hydrogen as a storage medium for intermittent renewable energy. During his presentation, Professor Samuelsen outlined the use of stationary fuel cells for Tri-Generation of hydrogen - a technology that was conceived and developed at the NFCRC - and he outlined a vision for how the use of both stationary and mobile fuel cell technology will become prevalent in our energy infrastructure. The NFCRC has historically worked in partnership with the CHBC to works towards a common goal of the two organizations – to enable the use of hydrogen for zero-emission fuel cell vehicles as well as for energy storage.

November 20, 2013