In the News Archives

United Kingdom Delegation Explores United States Alternative Vehicle Initiative

In January, the United Kingdom Minister of State for Transport, the Baroness Susan Kramer, lead a delegation to California with a goal of better understanding the current state of alternative vehicles in the U.S. This fact finding mission included the topics of regulation, legislation, and infrastructure, with visits to industry, government, and important research centers including the National Fuel Cell Research Center at the University of California, Irvine.

While at the NFCRC, the Baroness and her team were given a presentation that focused on the state of mobile fuel cell applications. A key part of the presentation was on STREET, the model developed by UCI's National Fuel Cell Research Center that is being used to assist decision-makers involved in alternative transportation fueling infrastructure investments. At the conclusion of the meeting the delegation was driven to a demonstration of the UCI Hydrogen Fueling Station in a Fuel Cell Hydrogen Vehicle.

April 9, 2014